Our school community provides a caring, happy and safe environment, which strives
“to nurture the wellbeing of all, so that they may grow in knowledge, conscience and compassion”

The Tullow Community School ASD Programme was established with one classroom in September 2017 and in September 2018 the second classroom was opened.
The development of the Tullow Community School ASD Programme is based on the philosophy of educational inclusion, where students with specialised needs receive their education within the least restrictive setting of the school’s mainstream classrooms and activities.
At the same time, students in the ASD Programme can access “Naomh Brid” in Room 60 for curricular support classes, social outings & classes unique to the ASD Programme focusing on each student’s own strengths and needs.
Thank You
A massive and heartfelt thank you must go to the following and individuals and businesses.
Without your help and support, the new ASD facility in Tullow Community School would not be done without you.
To all staff, parents and students who have given their time and to the Tullow Community School’s Parents Council,
School Management and the Board of Management for their continued support.
Pam Glynn – ASD Co-ordinator
What We Provide
In the Tullow Community School ASD Programme we provide the opportunity for all of our students to achieve the greatest level of meaningful independence, whilst at the same time catering for their educational needs.
Classes take the form of individualised support to mainstream inclusion. Naomh Brid classes in Room 60 involve curricular support or classes unique to the ASD
These unique classes include:
We cater for a wide range of students. From those looking to pursue state examinations (Junior Certificate, Junior Certificate Schools Programme, the new Junior Certificate Level Two Award and Leaving Certificate), to those focusing on personal skills aimed at increasing their quality of life, independence and life skills once they graduate from Tullow Community School.